Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Whats that saying!??!!?

possession is nine tenths of the law!?!? Well, I guess that means we're in luck over here!!! Jason just loves this rockin' motorcycle my Dad made for Gid.....It has been here since March, and I've decided to claim it!! hahahahahah!! Seriously Misty, just look at his face....you can't break a babies heart now can you?? (didn't think so...I guess Gid can come visit it when he wants too!!) Heheeheh!!
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Unknown said...

Ya right girl! What you really need to do is get your Dad moving on the moto-x one he has designed for J. Although, Jason is absolutely adorable!

Jan said...

Oh, he loves it, doesn't he? And i figure since it's in YOUR house, it must be yours, right? Hee hee!

Sam said...

He looks so dang cute! I can't believe how big he's getting!

Unknown said...

that thing IS really sweet!